Breaking the Botox Rules: The Science Behind Architox™
Botox is often viewed as a quick fix—a few injections here, a couple of units there, and off you go. But what if I told you that much of what’s considered “the norm” in Botox application is actually a far cry from the TECHNICAL standard. Suboptimal dosing contributes to negative effects like unbalanced muscle movement (spocking), increased muscle bulking, and plain and simple just looking frickin’ weird.
Uneven movement caused by lack of customization versus ARCHITOX; fully balanced and polished.
Most people don’t realize they have uneven movement after normal Botox application because they only assess themselves in a still “mirror selfie” pose. Movement is automatic once they leave the mirror, making these imbalances obvious to others.
At POUTx, we don’t just follow the crowd; we break the “normal” rules by actually following the REAL rules. That means NOT using Botox like a beauty product, but rather using it like a drug because that’s exacly what it is.
Just like any other drug available on the market, Botox comes with a recommended dose based on extensive clinical evidence for optimum response and patient satisfaction. The recommended dose for Botox is 80 units for the upper face, with instructions to customize based on muscle mass and strength.
Botox is a medication. NOT a beauty product.
All drugs are rigorously tested for both safety and efficacy. If the recommended dose for Advil is 1-2 tablets for a headache what effects could you expect if you took a quarter of a tablet?
The same rings true for Botox. How can one expect an optimal result if they do not use the optimal dosing recommendations?
And that’s exactly what we do.
The norm is single area treatments OR using the cookie-cutter pattern, but WITHOUT customization. “Google said this”, “my friend got that”, or “my budget is…”, but this doesn’t make sense when it comes to the science of delivering an OPTIMAL result with a medication.
An optimal result for Botox requires following the technical standard with data-driven precision to deliver expected outcomes.
Guides to Assessment
As stated by the drug manufacturer, the monograph is to be used as a guide only as “considerable variability exists between patients”.
Have you ever taken 3 Advil tablets even though the recommended dose is 1-2?
Just like advil, customized dosing of Botox may go above the recommended range to ensure maximum efficacy.
*New research (2021) shows that although 80 units is the manufacturer recommended dose, true optimal dosing actually exceeds this when muscle bulk is taken into account. Read research paper here.
Note that unit number is NOT based on appearance of wrinkles, but rather the surface area of contraction and the muscle strength per individual centimeter. From the above image you can see how custom mapping is very different from the simple guideline pattern.
In general men will usually have higher doses than women as they naturally present with a higher degree of muscle bulk. However, this is not always the case. Although Shaun presents with a higher degree of bulk than myself, I present with a much higher degree of surface area, making my unit number more.
Making sense of maximizing treatment duration and efficacy:
“While the approved doses of BoNTA products are indeed efficacious, this does not mean they are optimal.”
Read full research paper here to learn more on custom dosing for OPTIMAL results.
The Architox Philosophy
It’s not just Botox; it’s Botox administered the way it is intended to be; guided by objective data from muscle surface area and bulk. Here’s how it works:
1. All-Inclusive Treatment
Architox always targets all three areas of the upper face: the frown (glabellar complex), forehead (frontalis), and crow’s feet (orbicularis oculi). Treating the entire upper face prevents muscle compensation, where untreated muscles overwork to compensate for the ones that are relaxed.
2. Precision Mapping
We map the entire surface area of muscle contraction to prevent micro-compensation within the muscle group itself. Traditional techniques can leave pieces of a muscle partially active while others are inactive, creating uneven results. Architox ensures every centimeter is accounted for, delivering a perfectly balanced outcome.
3. Customized Dosing Based on Muscle Bulk
Muscle bulk refers to the strength of a muscle, and it varies from person to person. At POUTx, we assess muscle bulk per centimeter to determine the exact dose. This tailored approach maximizes duration to ensure your investment lasts the full 3 months and minimizes muscle strength over time, promoting a more refined appearance.
Take a look at the difference in “bulk” between the brows. The larger the bulk means the more units are required for an optimal effect. Read the full research paper on dose modification here.
The Architox Advantage
The benefits of Architox speak for themselves:
Fully Polished Appearance: No spocking brows or random muscle pulls—just a balanced, harmonious result.
Balanced Brow: Symmetry is key, and Architox delivers it every time.
Minimized Muscle Bulk Over Time: With consistent treatments, muscle strength decreases, leading to a softer, more youthful look.
Maximum Duration: Results last up to three months, thanks to precise dosing and comprehensive treatment.
One Expected Outcome: While the aesthetic benefits and extended duration are significant, the greatest advantage of ARCHITOX may be its predictability. With data-driven outcomes, there are no surprises—we know what to expect before it happens. This reduces anxiety and ensures a smooth, stress-free injectable experience. Surprises can be fun, but not when it comes to your face.
The Consequences of Cutting Corners
When too few units are used, the effects of Botox are inconsistent, weird looking, and short-lived. Patients often experience spocking brows, uneven muscle relaxation, and frustration with their results. Architox eliminates these issues by adhering to the proven science of optimal dosing and comprehensive muscle treatment.
The Future of Botox is Here
At POUTx, we don’t settle for “good enough.” Architox is our commitment to delivering superior results by challenging outdated norms and embracing one standard of optimal by following the technical standard of Botox. If you’re ready for Botox that actually works the way it’s supposed to, Architox is your answer.
Because when it comes to your face, why would you settle for less than perfect? Book your Complimentary Consult today by clicking here. We can’t wait to meet you!